Investment Strategies
Wether you are seeking Growth, Income, One-off opportunities, or just getting started, there is a strategy you can follow. You have the option to follow or replicate our investment moves when we notify you with buy and sell recommendations.
In and out, easy to follow trade recommendations.
Data-driven model portfolios. Factual, not emotional.
A great way for starters to take their first steps into the stock market.
Advanced strategies for hands-on traders.
Active Trading.
ASX Events
Takeover Opportunities.
ASX Growth Portfolio
Capital Appreciation.
ASX Blue Chip Portfolio
High Dividend Stocks.
US Growth Portfolio
Capital Appreciation.
ASX Income
Hybrid Income.
ASX Starter Pack
Best of breed in the ASX200.
US Starter Pack
Best of breed in the S&P500
Advanced Trading.
US Long Short
Advanced Trading.
Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, there is a strategy for you.
We deliver our trading strategies to your inbox with clear buy & sell recommendations. Simply execute the trades in your preferred stockbroking account - we are here to assist if you need help setting one up.
By subscribing to the Rivkin Report, you gain access to a variety of investment strategies with different risk levels, from which you can choose, along with clear and timely buy and sell alerts via email and SMS.
Is the value of US Investment Portfolios affected by fluctuations in the AUD/USD?
Yes, US shares are purchased and sold at the current AUD/USD exchange rate.
What happens if I miss a rebalance?
If you happen to miss a rebalance, your portfolio may not track the Rivkin Investment Portfolio. You can use our Push Trade service to ensure a rebalance is never missed.
How often can I have a portfolio review?
When you become a Rivkin Report Member, you can request a review of your current share portfolio. This review will compare the sector weightings of your portfolio to those of the ASX200.
What is the minimum investment amount?
We generally suggest a minimum investment of $2,000 per share.
Do I have to follow 100% of the rebalance instructions?
We do suggest that clients follow the rebalance instructions if they want to replicate the Investment Portfolio. However, this is in no way an obligation.
Can I receive personal advice from a Rivkin specialist?
No, Rivkin does not provide personal advice. Our advice is general advice only.
How do I purchase US shares?
Please check with your stockbroker to open an US trading account.
When are the Rebalance Dates for the Investment Portfolios?
On the 1st of each month - US Growth and ASX Blue Chip On the 15th of each month – ASX GrowthAd hoc – ASX Events and ASX Income