How to follow Rivkin’s advice

Last update - 30 May 2023 By James Woods

James Woods, Rivkin's Portfolio Manager, discusses Rivkin's portfolio recommendations and how to rebalance our premium portfolios.

Through the Rivkin Report, members are offered two distinctive types of investment portfolios designed to align with their unique investing goals and preferences.

Active Trading Portfolios

Our first category, comprising Rivkin’s flagship Events portfolio, as well as the Discretionary portfolio, FX trading strategy and ASX Income portfolio, caters to investors who prefer a more active trading role. These portfolios provide recommendations on an ad-hoc basis, responding swiftly to real-time market opportunities. As a member, you will be kept fully informed of these investment opportunities as they arise, with notifications via email and SMS, allowing you to make decisive moves in an agile market environment.

Systematic Portfolios

Alternatively, for those who appreciate a regular investing approach, we offer portfolios that rebalance on a periodic basis which include the ASX & US Growth, ASX Blue Chip and US Long Short portfolios. These are rebalanced on either on the 1st or 15th of each month, or the next business day in case these dates fall on a weekend or a public holiday. This regular process is designed to routinely align your investments with market trends over the medium to long term. To ensure that you are always informed and prepared, we send out email and SMS notifications with every recommendation.

Push Trade – Never Miss a Trade

Members can also enhance their investment experience with Rivkin’s innovative “push trade” service. Following any trade recommendations, members who register for this service are sent an SMS that includes an approval link to automatically placed trades on their behalf. This feature assures that members can effortlessly and promptly act on every trade recommendation, optimizing their portfolio’s potential and ensuring no market opportunity goes unnoticed.

Contact us at 1300 748 546 or [email protected] to get the benefits of a full Rivkin membership


Important Notice:

Rivkin does not ever provide personal financial advice. Please consider your own circumstances before purchasing any of our products or acting on our general advice, for any Rivkin product or recommendation.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Investing and trading carry financial risk, when judging performance please consider the different types of investments and levels of risk associated.

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