Join our Head of Super Charity Bru to learn all about Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) and Death Benefits.
In this webinar our Head of Super, Charity Bru covers:
- Introduction to death benefits
- Death Benefit Nominations
- Dependents for Superannuation, and Dependents for Tax
- Examples
- Member Q&A
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This presentation is not personal financial product advice and is intended to provide information only. It does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, or needs. This presentation is general advice only and each client has to consider their own circumstances before deciding whether to proceed or not.
The information is taken from sources that are believed to be accurate, but Rivkin accepts no liability of any kind to any person who relies on the information contained in this presentation. Unless expressly stated, none of the information should be taken to be a recommendation. You are acting independently at your own risk.