We manage every aspect of your stock market portfolio, focusing on optimal stock selection and execution to optimise performance.
Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) are investment portfolios where each investor owns individual securities, unlike a pooled fund. This approach offers direct ownership of stocks, bringing unique benefits like specific tax considerations and full portfolio management. SMAs provide a bridge between the customisation and control of direct investing and the expertise of professional fund management.
A growth focused portfolio, providing opportunities in both the Australian and US markets.
Our team actively manages your portfolio, ensuring optimal stock selection and execution. With Rivkin, you’re not just choosing a portfolio; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to optimising your investment’s performance.
With our SMAs, you experience the benefits of direct share ownership, including receiving dividends directly and enjoying unique tax advantages.
Our approach ensures you have complete transparency and control over your investments, allowing you to monitor and make informed decisions with clarity.
Choose from our range of expertly crafted portfolios, including Income, Growth, and Multi strategies, each designed to cater to different investment goals and market conditions.
Once you’ve selected your portfolio, Apex takes over the management. They serve as the appointed custodian and administrator, handling asset holdings and overseeing all investor transactions, ensuring your portfolio is managed with precision and care.
With Rivkin’s expertise and the partnership with Apex and Perpetual, you can effortlessly monitor the progress of your investments. Enjoy the transparency and control that comes with direct share ownership, and watch your financial growth unfold.
A diversified approach, adaptable to include international exposure.
Trusted management with significant assets under supervision.
Over 120 years of combined experience in the stock market, prioritising honesty, transparency, and simplicity.
Take the first step towards financial growth with Rivkin. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in choosing a portfolio that effectively executes your investment strategy.
(02) 8302 3680
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Role: Perpetual serves as the issuer and responsible entity.
Responsibilities: oversee compliance and governance related to the SMA structure.
Role: Apex is designated as the custodian and administrator of the scheme.
Responsibilities: Manages the holding of assets and monitors investor transactions.
Role: Rivkin is chosen by Perpetual to act as the model manager.
Responsibilities: handles the selection of securities within the model portfolios.