In this episode of Virtually Live, Shannon Rivkin covers: Mineral Resources (MIN), WiseTech Global (WTC), Woodside Energy (WDS) and more.
02:06 – Q1:I have ABx as a longer than I wanted hold – if you have any view on this would be appreciated.
04:38 – Q2:I have also read a small article about TC Biopharm and it did interest me with what they’re doing and how big companies seem to be buying up these smaller companies and increasing share values by large margins. I would like to know your thoughts on this company and the process to invest if I go further.
07:45 – Q3:Can you please talk about Silver as an asset class in the short to medium term 6 months to 2 years. Is there an EFT you could recommend to get exposure? in my SMSF Similar to the gold ETF GOLD.
10:23 – Q4:WDS woodside -Its share price is lower than it was many many years ago and does not seem to be going anywhere but sideways. Do you believe there is any growth in WDS or is it just a div. play. MIN Mineral reserve – They have taken a big hit with the drop in Lithium prices over the last 12 months but have always been a well managed, solid company and the price seems cheap at the moment. Where do you see MIN future and is there value in this stock ? As the minerals sector is out of favour and the saying goes buy in gloom it seems a good buy at present. WTC – as it seems to be similarly over heated as CBA.
19:42 – Q5:Whisperer of good news! I just received a SPP for NXT, the second one after May this year. At the current price the institutional investors lost money ( 17.15 compared to 16.80 @market 2day). Is this a med – long term worthwhile investment or good money after bad? So far the shareprice has been good to my meager holding, so is it a good move to increase my holding? I noticed it had been taken off the momentum portfolio previously.
22:37 – Q6:For PSC Insurance -I picked these up for 6.08 (under 6.09), and have a holding period of 84 days (almost 3 months, not 2). So even picking them up for less than recommended, I make the annualised return less than 8%, not almost 10%. Or have I miscalculated in some way?