In this episode of Virtually Live, Shannon Rivkin covers: Calidus Resources (CAI), Mineral Resources (MIN), Virgin Australia (VAH) and more.
01:27 – Q1:I hold CAI with a low buy in cost. Management massively stuffed up their forward hedging sending CAI into administration. Creasy has bought the Macquarie debt. Can you advise what the way forward is with CAI if any?
06:07 – Q2:I would appreciate your option on Boss Energy BOEin their latest news Alta Messa has just come back on line (Boss 30% stake) along with the first of the Ion Exchange Columns reaching nameplate capicity. Column 2 is being commissioned with column 3 marked for December.I looks to me to be seriously undervalued based on current prices.
10:18 – Q3:With Mineral Resources jumping in price recently do you see them as an opportunity to sell or hang on ?
14:01 – Q4:I have shares in Virgin money got the last Dividend just have not seen final payment after being sold to Nationwide bank.